Friday, October 30, 2009

horror movies

okay so it's close to halloween and it's when tv channels start to show horrow movie. I've been watching lots of this movies and i found out the one thing that they have in common (besides the fact that some of them are scary or are intended to be scary) the killers are always walking to kill their victims i mean why don't they run is it for dramatic effect or something coz i think they could kill alot more people if they ran. And i don't think that the victims have totally grasped the concept of running either coz half the time they are standing there watching someone else get killed. Most of the time while they're watching someone die they're the next one to go. So i think that the actors and producers in these movies should know of this new discovery it's called running and you should do it if you want to live. But i have to hand to these people they have the screaming thing totally down.