Friday, October 30, 2009

horror movies

okay so it's close to halloween and it's when tv channels start to show horrow movie. I've been watching lots of this movies and i found out the one thing that they have in common (besides the fact that some of them are scary or are intended to be scary) the killers are always walking to kill their victims i mean why don't they run is it for dramatic effect or something coz i think they could kill alot more people if they ran. And i don't think that the victims have totally grasped the concept of running either coz half the time they are standing there watching someone else get killed. Most of the time while they're watching someone die they're the next one to go. So i think that the actors and producers in these movies should know of this new discovery it's called running and you should do it if you want to live. But i have to hand to these people they have the screaming thing totally down.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

this ticked me off

ok i'm in florida for bout a week and yesterday i saw this thing that really ticked me off i was riding in my bro's car and i saw this billboard that was written in spanish wtf is up with that i mean last time i check i lived in america where you speak english not spanish i mean i have nothing against people of diff languages but if your gonna live in america you should learn to speak english we are letting people come live in a place where you have freedom and a lot of rights so the least you could do is learn how to speak english but that's what i think cause if i went to a place like mexico or something i'd at least learn a little bit of there language

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Obama's Pitch

Obama threw the first pitch at a baseball game last night. It only went 58 feet not the full 60 feet to the home plate so hahahahahahaha

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

when will intersting news come

i have no clue at all i hope soon cuz if not what will we blog

the world may never know

the bloggers of this site

hey im sam
im the only child of the group. me and katy mostly have the same thoughts on stuff but kims is a nerd that almost got on the 4.0 this year.

i will let the other talk about them selfs

OK im Kimberly. I got on the 4.0 three out of 4 quarters. I like the oldies music. I can't wait to go to six flags. We go every summer. My blog is

I am not a nerd. I dont wear highwaters or suspenders or ties or have slicked back graesy hair or carry a calculator in my shirt pocket(I dont wear shirts with pockets). I was just born smart.

Friday, July 10, 2009

kims thoughts on mj "MJ the king of pop"

Michael Joeseph Jackson August 29 1958- June 24 2009
Michael Jackson was the king of pop. He faced child molestiation allegations. I am firm in my beleif that he did not abouse a child. Michael sang two songs, "Leave me Alone" which is what he wanted the public to do, but did they no they just found more reasons to torment him, and"Scream" which is what he wanted to do.
The only reasom MJ bleached his skin was because he had a skin disease, vitaligo, and he didnt want big splotches of white here and there he wanted an even skin tone. Who would want to look like a used paint canvas. To me MJ's skin transformation showed that white or black you are the same inside, he was the same singer, the same humanitarian, the same fater to his 3 children.
I hear people say,"What 50 year old still likes peter pan?" I think that he didnt have a child hood because he was so famous and that he likes child hood things. But other people say he built neverloand to lure little boys. I am firm in my beleif that MJ would NEVER abuse in any way a child. HE was too good of a person if you look back at his life.
All of my friends think he is a perv mde out of plastic but I think he was just a normal person faced with the stress of a star. Whenever anything came up tabloids blew it out of proportion. What the tabloids do is wrong not Michael Jackson.
Feel free to comment.
And yes, I do wish peace to MJ. May he get some in death because he got NONE in life


GM is now emerging out of bankrupt

GM think there new car ideas will follow through!

i dont think so cuz out there some people drive cars over 20 years old and the cars were broke when they got it but they just need the car

GM should stay in the bankrupt cuz their not going to make it

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Jackson *the superstar*

first i think he played with kids and u should not blame it on him not having a childhood cuz when ur 1 u cant sing and u usually would do a poop dance

and that he did bleach his skin cuz he had a skin thing and his skin started turning lighter which is why he wore a pretty glove

this what i fond on a web site called

and they say that

Filed under: Michael Jackson We've learned Michael Jackson's body will not be going back to Forest Lawn.The body will go somewhere else pending final burial -- we don't know where that is. If a casket goes to Forest Lawn, it's a decoy.We've learned the death certificate lists ..

post ur thought bellow but idk what most think

kim please add ur side of the story